Gods and Goddesses
South American
Ometeotl (Two god)

TYPE: Primordial being

ORIGIN: Aztec (Classical Mesoamerican) [Mexico]

INFORMATION: According to some traditions, the dual principle personified in a bisexual force that the Aztecs believed to be the only reality, all else being illusory. Ometeotl rules in the highest (thirteenth) heaven. Omeyocan (place of duality) that rest above sun, moon, wind, and other elements. Ometeotl impregnated itself to engender the four Tezcatlipocas (aspects of the sun). Another female aspect, Coatlicue, gave birth to the national Aztec god Huitzilopochtli. No formal cult existed for Ometeotl, but he was considered to be present in every aspect of ritual. See also Tonacatecuhtli and Tonacacihuatl.